1 Way To Attract More Clients To Your Business Without Spending Hours On Sales Calls
Apr 24, 2023
If you're like most entrepreneurs and small business owners you wake up each day thinking about how to get more of the right customers to buy your product or service. You dream of new appointments on your calendar or more product sales without hiring a legion of sales people or spending hours on the phone making cold calls yourself.
You not only want to create more happy customers that help you grow revenue, you need them in order to stay in business.
So, how do you get more people to buy your product or service in a simple way?
You could...
- Invest thousands on advertising
- Pay on-demand or lead generation companies
- Spend a massive amount of time and money growing a following on social media
- Hire seasoned sales titans
The possibilities are endless, but I promised you one way to attract more clients to your small business. Here it is...create a high value content offer.
What is a High Value Content Offer?
A high value content offer is something that engages your ideal client usually in the awareness stage of the customer journey. The customer journey is the path buyers walk from "I've never heard of your product or service, to where do I pay?
During the awareness stage of the customer journey, clients may not know they have a problem, until you bring it to their attention. It usually starts with you having a deep understanding of who your ideal client is and what problems or challenges stand in the way of their getting what they want as it relates to your product or service.
"Do Your Best and Forget The Rest."
One of my favorite products created a high value content offer for me many years ago. Remember P90x?
Tony Horton, a fitness professional and creator of P90x created a fitness program in a set of DVD's that you could buy and use from home.
"Buy my DVD's!" said Tony never. Tony knew his ideal customer and was well aware of their challenges around exercise. Tony understood that P90x customers:
- Didn't have a lot of time for long workouts
- Wanted to work out at home (and avoid traveling to a gym)
- And they didn't have a lot of space at home to store loads of gym equipment
Tony understood his perfect client wanted a great workout that resulted in a beach body. His promise: "With P90X - all it takes is just an hour a day to get into the best shape of your life!"
Well thanks Tony, until you told me, I wasn't aware that I wasn't in the best shape of my life, or that I could achieve this goal in only one hour a day from home.
Tony then created a no brainer high value content offer.
"Get a 14 day Free trial of P90x."
Try before you buy? Dang you Tony, I'm in! I got access to his amazing free trial and eventually bought the DVD's. And now Tony had something far more valuable than the cost of his 14 day trial. He had my email address.
Email addresses are the golden goose to growing your "know, like, and trust" factor. With an email address you can continue to communicate with potential clients to establish trust and credibility as customers evaluate you further, and help them make decisions that ideally, lead to new customers and more sales.
What kind of High Value Content Offer Should Your Business Create?
If you're unsure what kind of offer to create, think about what would make you jump at the chance to sign up for a newsletter or download an e-book?
Brainstorm some topics you're passionate about, or maybe even ones you're knowledgeable on that would make your readers or viewers say, "Wow, I never thought about it like that before." The key to creating a high value content offer is to provide something your audience wants and needs to solve a problem or answer a burning question.
Examples of high value content offers include:
- Ebook
- Hard Bound Book
- Video Series
- Free Trial Membership
- Swag
- Product Discount
As a copywriter and marketing strategist something I offer my clients for free is a simple to read PDF that outlines the 5 marketing assets your business needs to make more sales. I've also created offers to attend trainings to learn how to use Kajabi.
When creating your high value content offer consider:
Hard to Find Content
- The things they can't find on Google.
Your Framework
- How do you do what you do?
- Fun swag, giveaways
Special Offer
- What could you sell for less than its usual price?
How Much Value Should I Give Away?
It's natural to feel worried about giving too much away. But something Amy Porterfield shares is that you want people to feel like if your free stuff is this good, imagine what the paid stuff is like. A question I often ask my clients when helping them create their high value content offer is: "What would your ideal client pay you $20-$50 for that you could give them for free in exchange for their email address?"
No Effortless Lead Exists
People aren't walking around thinking about your product or services.
They're thinking about how tired they are, what to make for dinner, they're worried about their high schoolers grades, or how to improve their marriages….
They’ve got a problem they need to solve. And while you might not be the person they need to talk to about their new fitness regime, you can offer solutions for them with a high value content offer.