When You Fail

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I’ll never forget watching Disney’s Meet the Robinsons. It’s one of my absolute favorite movies. Early on in one of the scenes - Lewis (the main character) who is an amazing scientist and inventor, but also an orphan; is meeting with a potential adoptive family. He shows them this really cool machine he’s created that blends peanut butter and jelly. He hits start and the machine full on explodes causing the father in the scene to balloon up due to a severe allergic reaction to nuts. Lewis feels awful and does not get adopted.

Later on in the movie, Lewis uses this machine once again in the presence of a different family. When the same problem ensues (the machine gun explodes and creates a mess all over the place) - this beautiful and darling family applauds him. “Hooray"!” they cheer.

“You failed! From failing we learn, from success not so much.”

I have loved this quote since then and have never been able to forget it. I think it’s because for a long time and even still when I have failed it hurts, it’s uncomfortable. At times it’s made me feel like I lack self discipline. Those hundreds of times I’ve had to restart my eating plan over and over again wondering why I couldn’t just get it right. Feeling like I “should” know better.

Each failure has strengthened the next attempt and the wisdom gained from those experiences of: touching the stove when it’s hot - have gifted me the ability to know that burns hurt, but that you survive them.

Healing from those wounds also gives you courage. So if you’ve found yourself in failure mode lately, don’t give up. Learn on my friends. Learn on.

P.S. You can also listen to Episode 61 of The High Performance Marketing Podcast Here to Change Your Perspective on Failure.