Episode 64 - The High Performance Marketing Podcast

With Host: Ali Garbero and Guest: Stefani Pady

Growth and Leadership Coach


Over the course of Stefani's career, she's worn many hats, starting as a sales rep carrying a bag door to door and working her way up to leading teams and sales strategy from coast to coast.

Her passion is centered around aiding people in their personal and professional growth. Helping them gain confidence and clarity to lead a life with passion and

In 2019, Stefani became a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker to further her abilities to support people on their journey of growth.

Her goal is to help you lead with purpose, connect more effectively with your team or clients, and enhance the skills and abilities you bring to the table. Stefani is the owner of GLS Coaching and Consulting and the founder of Women, Worship and Work.

Women, Worship and Work is a wonderful crossroad where self-help meets
God’s truth.

Stefani is a graduate of Texas A&M University, Gig’em! She understands the complexities of marriage, and raising babies while simultaneously following your passions and purpose in life. 

Connect with Stefani

Ready to Improve Your Leadership Style?

Our personalities are like fingerprints, unique and distinctive. They shape how we interact with the world around us and influence every aspect of our lives.  Download this free guide to identify your natural strengths and weaknesses so you work more effectively with the people around you. 

Listen To Episode 64

Running a business can feel like a whirlwind most days. Little did you know that it also comes with a free bonus: Leadership. But you don't have to go at it alone. A coach can help you understand your strengths, weaknesses, and how you impact those around you. Trust me, that kind of self-awareness is is gold. Listen to my discussion with GLS Founder and Growth Development Coach, Stefani Pady.

Episode 64: The High Performance Marketing Podcast
The Impact of Coaching on Leadership