80. Channeling The Power of Strategy and Focus w/Katharine McMahon

Season #2


Welcome to The High Performance Marketing Podcast, a show focused on helping entrepreneurs and small business owners connect with their ideal customers using simple marketing and quality content. I'm your Marketing Guide, Ali Garbero.

Entrepreneurs are known for their tenacity and the ability to wear multiple hats to keep their business afloat. But as you well know, sometimes you’re also known for becoming easily excited and distracted about hundreds of new ways to grow and that includes a plethora of marketing ideas. This is where working with a strategist or fractional CMO can be a game-changer. 

On today’s episode of the podcast I’ve got guest Katherine McMahon on. Katharine is the owner of Phoenix 818, she’s a Fractional CMO, Marketing Strategist and business coach. She’s also a fellow Story Brand Certified Marketing Guide and I’m excited for you to listen in on our conversation as she shares the importance of staying focused  so you achieve your marketing, revenue, and growth goals.

Well there you have it, my key takeaways from my discussion with Katharine are first, that a quality marketing strategy helps you understand with absolute clarity how how to position yourself in the minds of your clients. Become known for solving a unique problem and you will always stay top of mind.

Second was the power of focus. Focus is where you get leverage. With only a finite amount of time and resources at your disposal, it's important to use them wisely and by narrowing your focus and concentrating on key areas of your business, you’ll leverage your efforts and achieve far greater results than by trying to spread yourself too thin and be all the things to every body.

Finally I love her back pocket CMO services. While we didn’t talk too much about it - it’s a service she offers for smaller businesses and entrepreneurs who have tighter budgets or who maybe need less to start off. I can’t overemphasize the importance of strategy. Strategy is your roadmap in marketing and before you start building out your website or creating content - knowing the why and the purpose of what you’re doing will help you avoid spending time, energy and money on the wrong activities.

Thanks for joining me today. I’m Ali Garbero, Copywriting is what I do, Content Marketing is what I create, more customers is what you get.